Thursday, January 10, 2013

A Ships Final Voyage.

"Homeward Bound"
Acrylic painting by Peter Kreet 2013
1000 x 700

Every now and  and then artists  try to create  new visual feelings in a painting by experimenting with a new approaches. Over the last two weeks, I have create three marine paintings for the Hobart Wooden Boat Festival exhibition next month. The idea was to create a dramatic effect and feeling of the power of the sea. In order to achieve this, I introduced two different view points to create the necessary tension. Not in a cubist manner, but straight forward rending of the subject, by  turning the stern end of the ship  upward and away from the viewer, while the forward bow  of the vessel has been turned down to create the effect of a contraction..This devise  resulted in heightened sense of tension, creating a wringing out feeling on the part of the viewer. It is almost as though someone is wringing out a large sheet in the pre-washing machine manner.

I am quite pleased with the result and shall attempt to expand the idea, firstly through a maritime series, and later with slabs of daily life, and relationships between people.Hopefully the coming year will be rewarding in a creative sense. This is what I really enjoy about creative activity, no matter what a person is attempting to undertake, the joy a thrill of experiencing the unexpected is very invigorating.

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