Saturday, June 15, 2013

The role of Intellectural and Artistic Involvement in Social and Political Issues.


The Role of Intellectuals and Artists in Social and Political Issues.

When we live in a time of great social change and dysfunction, there is a moral obligation to express dissatisfaction publicly. We need at times to expose deficient ideas and questionable policy, and take up unpopular positions.

Currently, there seems to me to be far too much political correctness, it is as though ideas may no longer be debated in a rational and impartial way. Any descent from the official or accepted line is considered irrational. Yet, over the centuries thinkers and artists have express contrary viewpoints to the accepted behaviour of their day, and through their efforts achieved some success in creating a better world. Political correctness may of course address certain issues, generally minority ones in various societies, and I have no argument with the need to address such concern, but fair aesthetic and social concepts for certain groups may have adverse effects on the population at large.


The concepts of philosophers, artists, and thinkers have over the centuries raised many social, legal, and economic issues in need of reform, however for their insight to have impact it is necessary to tread the middle ground. Socrates encouraged his followers to think problems through, but accepted that the Athenian citizens had to introduce the necessary changes themselves, and not have them imposed from outside. Whether we are discussing Rousseau, Goethe or Russian novelists, the package is the important thing. Thinkers have to engage the public with new ideas, whether it is slavery, both physical or economic for only then may improvement be made. The important point being that their ideas be separate from official government policy, otherwise it will be treated as propaganda.


The Russian novelists Tolstoy and Dostoevsky are a good case in point, would their social agenda have had the same impact if it had not been clothed in fictional storytelling. Confining themselves to the use of fiction they were able to maintain their purity and integrity in a powerful way. Tolstoy’s literal writing on social issues did not engage in the same manner as his fiction does. The greater the artistic and scholarly quality of the work the greater its influence and the more likely meaningful solutions will be found. Often with the demise of spiritual belief people are left founding in a vacuum, searching for the meaning of life in a world were the pursuit of material things has swamped our values. Happiness is an internal state of mind.


Unfortunately too many visual artists today rely too much on technique to gain attention, rather than develop original content. This is a pity for it contributes nothing as to where the world needs to move from here. There are serious problem aboard in need of solutions. Half the world seems to be searching for a better life, a utopia somewhere else other than were they were born. There is a raise in extreme right-wing political thought throughout the world, which if history teaches us anything generally leads to some form of dictatorship. Somehow we need to find new ways of doing things. Whether people are sufficiently engaged in serious intellectual thought remains to be seen, but one issue is only too plain for everyone to see, far more thought needs to be undertaken before action takes place.

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