Saturday, May 31, 2014

How to live a happy life.

How to be happy!

Some of the most frequently quoted regrets of dying people according to a palliative nurse are the following. The regrets contain considerable wisdom accumulated over the years are worth careful thought before we reach our final destination.


Firstly always have the courage to pursue your passion. Many people allow parents, teachers, friends, to influence the direction their lives take, to study subjects, or trades for which they have little deep love. It is important to choose a path of your choice and not one necessary for its status or money.

Many people become trapped into working so hard trying to improve their qualifications, to advance in their careers they become trapped in their jobs. They don’t enjoy their occupations, but do not have the courage to move on. Their lives revolve around the weekend or next year’s holiday rather than a sense of contentment in their life.

Have the ability to express your true feelings, your emotional state about things, have the courage to back your own ideas rather than always searching for new knowledge. Listen carefully to the advice of others, but trust yourself.

Keep in touch with your friends throughout your life. It is only when you begin to louse them towards the end of your life that you realise how important their contact was in your life.

Finally allow yourself to be happy. Don’t become obsessed with over planning, or allow finances, investments, dominate your every moment. Each day is precious and occurs only once . You may not agree with all of these suggestions, but they are the most common regrets of people on their death beds.

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