Monday, August 1, 2011

Sunday Live/ Tom Vincent Jazz Trio.

ABC's Concert Live should be just that alive not only in a physical sense, but also in terms of atmosphere, unfortunately the later was lacking in last Sunday's performance. Jazz should have a life of it's own with a variety of texture and the unexpected tonal variety a free form. It needs a certain atmosphere often smoke filled, but a least a venue that is alive. A large  formal concert hall and static audience just will not do. On top of that one musician wore a suit and tie, there was no since of adventure into the open ended world of jazz.

Tom Vincent the piano player claimed they never rehearse, but play off each others melodies. This play off quality seemed to be lacking as most pieces followed his piano melody and with a few variations ended quite unexpectedly. In general each bracket sounded very much like the last. Not that this is wrong but they music lacked variation in both texture and tonal contrast. Each bracket remained constant somewhat like background music. Neither the drummer or bass player ever took any initiative or control. All of this was quite disappointing as the performance lacked vibe and life, even the musicians themselves look very uncomfortable sitting there on the large stage without any repore with the audience.

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