Wednesday, January 18, 2012

MonaFoma2012 BalletLab's Aviary

New ballet is not to everyones' taste, Phillip Adams' Aviary is challenging. Structured into three sections, best described as the ideal, the controlled and result. The ideal deal in modern dance form with the preening and  rituals of mate selection of most animal life on this planet. The mood changes in the second movement to a rather sinister, militaristic tone of control, were one individual takes charge and subjects his captives to various types of confinement. At this point of the ballet is structured between classical and modern dance forms.
The final sequence deals with a total break down of civilised structures in society. The dance is totally free form without any apparent discipline or relationship between its parts. The vision is chaos, each dancer doing their own thing. If we believe the arts present a window onto the current world and its likely direction the picture is not a pretty one. Actions take place without meaning or purpose. The idea has merit but in the view of this reviewer lacks cohesion and many problems remain to be resolved and edited into a meaningful whole.

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